Key Events


DelegateChanged(address indexed delegator, address indexed fromDelegate, address indexed toDelegate)

An event thats emitted when an account changes its delegate.

DelegateVotesChanged(address indexed delegate, uint previousBalance, uint newBalance)

An event thats emitted when a delegate account's vote balance changes.

ProposalCreated(uint id, address proposer, address[] targets, uint[] values, string[] signatures, bytes[] calldatas, uint startBlock, uint endBlock, string description)

An event emitted when a new proposal is created.

VoteCast(address voter, uint proposalId, bool support, uint votes)

An event emitted when a vote has been cast on a proposal.

ProposalCanceled(uint id)

An event emitted when a proposal has been canceled.

ProposalQueued(uint id, uint eta)

An event emitted when a proposal has been queued in the Timelock.

ProposalExecuted(uint id)

An event emitted when a proposal has been executed in the Timelock.

Last updated